Rachel Lawrence

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Feeling Overwhelmed? Maybe it's time for a Reset

One of the challenges of the world we live in is getting a healthy balance between work and life especially with a global pandemic stifling our usual lifestyles. Social and emotional connection is vital and with technology ever present it's tempting to quickly check those work emails and social media posts in our time off and then find yourself still looking at them an hour later. I'm as guilty as the next person of doing that so I decided I would schedule my time out from work and tech and keep to it. And it was so much harder than I expected to keep my digits off the tech! 😮

Having time off gave me the space and distance needed to put the virtual world in context- it’s a wonderful world when you can apply healthy boundaries to what you look at and for how long. It’s also wonderful when you find people that make you feel good, inspire you, educate and entertain you. That said after 20+ months of this pandemic I’ve realised how much of my social interaction has become digital and as a consequence I’ve found myself all out of balance. If you feel the same it may be that a reset is required. So here’s what I recommend:

Step 1. Ration your digital time and stick to it.

Step 2. Increase your ‘real life’ interaction time and show up- no last minute cancellations because it’s easy to stay home.

Step 3. Reflect on the past year - what have you learned about yourself and those around you.

Step 4. Use that awareness to decide on where to go from here. Keep what’s working and let go of what isn’t. Ask yourself ‘What can I do better?’ ‘What would make me happier?’ and ‘What do I need to let go of?’

Don’t feel the need to rush, just keep thinking about it and it will come to you in time.

Step 5. Move your Body by taking my 10 day Reset Programme on YouTube

10 workouts over 10 days to reset mind, body and soul. Curated with love from me to you.

Take care and have a wonderful day, Rachel x

Written material and Photo are copyright of Rachel Lawrence

All Rights Reserved

Picture taken in the Squash Tunnel at Helmingham Hall Gardens.