Stress Reduction

Feeling Overwhelmed? Maybe it's time for a Reset

Feeling Overwhelmed? Maybe it's time for a Reset

One of the challenges of this world we live in is getting a healthy balance between work and life especially with a global pandemic stifling our usual lifestyles. Social and emotional connection is vital and with technology ever present it's tempting to quickly check those work emails and social media posts in our time off and then find yourself still looking at them an hour later. I'm as guilty as the next person of doing that so I decided I would schedule my time out from work and tech and keep to it. And it was so much harder than I expected to keep my digits off the tech! 😮

Learn to Love Your Body for What it Does not How it Looks

Learn to Love Your Body for What it Does not How it Looks

How do you feel about your body? Do you look at it with admiration at what it can do? Or do you pick out parts you don’t like, critique and compare to others. I’m fessing up to being guilty of the second statement on occasion. Odd you may think when I’ve danced all my life but growing up in a competitive environment and a society where it’s socially acceptable to criticise and comment on a woman’s body can do that to you. And I don’t want that for the next generation, nor do I want anyone who feels that way to continue feeling negative about body image. This is why all my classes and YouTube sessions are body positive and age positive.

3 Easy Ways to Lose Weight this January

3 Easy Ways to Lose Weight this January

We’re two weeks into the New year so life should be settling back down into routine, and ( I hope) you now have time to think about your health and wellbeing. Making changes to one’s health and wellbeing can seem daunting if it has been a while, or indeed if you feel you’ve tried everything and it’s just not working and that’s where I come in. I want to help you be THE BEST YOU CAN BE so join me and let’s take this journey together.