West London

Christmas message from Rachel

It has been a momentous year at Rachel Lawrence Pilates and I wanted to thank you all for your continued support. Whether you read the blog, follow me on twitter or instagram, read my Facebook page or come to class you are all appreciated.

With more and more of you tuning into the benefits of Pilates and a healthy lifestyle the business has gone from strength to strength just as your wellbeing has. It's so rewarding to see and hear how you have created your own healthy lifestyle from what you've learned.

Well done!

There are exciting plans ahead for 2016; more health and wellbeing news, more classes and I will be adding Pilates films for you to view and take part in at home, so stay tuned for a bigger, better, healthier 2016!

Merry Christmas to you all,

Rachel x

Dynamic Pilates Workshop at Lululemon Richmond

I'm delighted to announce I'll be presenting a Dynamic Pilates workshop this saturday for Lululemon Richmond 10:45- 11:45.

This is a complimentary class so a great chance to rock out with fellow fitties, and get to know me too. 

Here's some information about the session:

This is a challenging and energetic class which takes your fitness, flexibility and strength to the next level.

Taught in the way it’s practiced in California, this is a free flow class where you move seamlessly from one exercise into the next, giving you a cardio workout as well as increasing your core strength, stamina, balance, and mind/body awareness of movement. Great for athletes, fitness fiends, dancers, and anyone who has undertaken Pilates before and is looking for a new challenge.

*Only suitable for those with previous Pilates experience.

Are you ready?! Click here to see the invite on Facebook from the lovely Lululemon people.

As they say first come, first mat! See you there!

© Rachel Lawrence. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Rachel Lawrence Pilates voted Best Pilates Class in West London

Turning my back on a successful career in television to become a Pilates instructor was definitely a leap of faith for me. But it looks like the change of lifestyle is starting to pay off as my Chiswick based Pilates classes have just been voted the Best Pilates Class in West London by the West London Mum Live.Love.Local Awards. I'm overwhelmed and thrilled all at the same time!

Thought for the New Year

Welcome to 2015 and what a wonderful year its going to be! May it be filled with happiness, health and goodwill for you all. Whilst we are all encouraged to set new goals for 2015, before we leap forward into the New year I think it's really important to take a moment to think about all the little things that when added up make life so much more meaningful.

Christmas Message

Well I have hung up my ballet shoes for 12 days, after the last ballet barre class of 2014!

I'll still be inhaling and exhaling for one more day doing my Pilates personal training with private clients keen to hone their bodies on Christmas Eve, as well as those who I have been working with remedially this year. 

My first online interview about the benefits of Pilates

Am very excited to announce that I was asked by local fitness organisation Urban Vitality to do an interview about Pilates and how it can improve sports performance.

Those of you that know me know how passionate I am about Pilates based exercise and its benefits- no matter what your age, gender or fitness background. So how could I refuse their request for a few words? Plus they are lovely people with a like-minded passion for what they do. It was my first 'Live' interview so slightly nervous but loved it!  

Here it is in full!


Real Men do Pilates by Rachel Lawrence

I guess the overuse of this headline (try putting it into google and see what you get) reflects the fact that it is much harder to encourage men to try Pilates for the first time.  One of the challenges I face as a Pilates instructor is the idea that Pilates is just for women, that it’s easy and not challenging enough for the male psyche. And this is the perception I love to blow out of the water. Pilates was, after all invented by a man who was incredibly strong, athletic and dedicated his whole life to fitness. If you’re in any doubt as to how manly the exercise regime can be, you only have to look at the picture below of Joseph Pilates himself, taken in the 1940’s when he was already 60 years old.

By any standards, he had a very impressive physique for a man, let alone a 60 year old, and when you take on board that it was solely down to practicing daily Pilates there must be a lot more to it than you think. So what do you get out of it if you are a man?

                  The men I train all want a powerful core, defined muscles and most of all to feel strong and look good, and Pilates delivers this on all counts.  One thing I should add here though is visible muscle definition does depend on weight, and the muscle to fat ratio in the body. If a man is overweight to begin with, and doesn’t adjust his eating/drinking plan along with his exercise regime, he’s never going to look as good as a man with a healthy diet, and that goes for any form of exercise. But every man who attends regular Pilates sessions will see an improvement in core strength, stamina, muscle definition, back strength and better posture- all of which makes a man look and feel better.  

                  The first thing men notice with regular Pilates sessions is a reduction in their waistline- one of my clients who trains three times a week has gone from a 36 to 34 inch waist which he is delighted about. The reason being that in Pilates we work the abdominals continually due to the breathing technique we use, and the use of both isometric and isotonic movements (so a static hold using the abdominals whilst performing a dynamic movement with the arms or legs, or both). Also, the Pilates session is always focussed primarily on correct postural alignment throughout every exercise, therefore whatever you may be doing you will be using your core to stabilise whilst you do it. Simply broken down that means you get an hour of abs every class, no matter what other exercises you are given.  So why not try it? Are you man enough?!

Written material copyright of Rachel Lawrence.

 All Rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.


Free Pilates Workshop at Lululemon, Richmond, Surrey


If you think you may have Pilates withdrawal symptoms during the February half term break then fear not!

I've been asked to guest teach a Pilates Workshop for the LuluLemon Clothing brand at their new showroom in Richmond.

Class will start at 10:45am on Saturday 22nd February. So if you'd like a FREE class with me, and to check out the latest fitness fashion then please come along. You can just turn up from 10:30am onwards on the day, address is:
19 Duke Street, 2nd Floor, Richmond, TW9 1HP.
Tel: 020 8948 7789.

And here's the Facebook link to the event for the social media savvy:


I'll also be around afterwards to answer any Pilates questions you may have, and of course you can check out Lululemon's great sportswear if you fancy splashing out on a new outfit for the new term!