The New Normal

Exercise like wellbeing isn't something to be rushed or that can be switched on or off, it takes time to build a healthy lifestyle so if you're feeling the pressure to lose weight and get fit after a long and lengthy lockdown let's try something. Let’s shed the guilt and find a new goal. Your mission if you choose to take it it is to live a happier, healthier life. That’s it. No guilt, no self criticism, just a mission every day to be happier and healthier.

Pilates is a skill that you build up over time and unlike many fitness fads it's been around a long time and really does work if you stick with it. Consistency is key as well as allowing yourself the time to really learn the discipline of Pilates movement. It's been practiced by dancers since the 1920's and in more recent years sportspeople and celebrities have taken it up due to the huge benefits of strength, flexibility and lean muscle tone it delivers with regular practice. It takes a different kind of thinking to become a Pilates devotee; quality not quantity of movement is key and dare I say it again- consistency of practice! No exercise will be beneficial if you dip in and dip out of it, you need to be including exercise as part of your weekly lifestyle, just like brushing your teeth, make it part of the daily ritual of taking care of yourself.

Now in our new world of online Pilates there are huge benefits to take advantage of; classes are cheaper, you work out in your own environment, on your own mat, no dusty studios and no commute to class!! It’s a winner. What I have found is people are now taking more classes and really seeing the benefits not only to their fitness but to their emotional health. It took some getting used to didn’t it, but this new normal of online fitness has changed the way people think about their fitness regimes. I’ve had so many people send messages of gratitude for these online classes, the stories are amazing too; friends linking up online across Europe to join in class together, Brits not able to return home from South Africa working out in their hotel room, a whole community of Seniors in Spain exercising in their apartments and then discsussing class afterwards across their balconies! It’s been fascinating and incredibly rewarding knowing the difference it has made to people’s lives. Many people have said my Zoom classes feel like a private lesson as they can focus on me on screen without distractions, and the addition of my YouTube channel workouts and live broadcasts has given them a sense of occasion and connection. The world has really opened up since it closed down.

Now back to your mission, to live a happier, healthier lifestyle. One class a week will benefit you there’s no doubt, but if you increased it to three times a week you will really feel and see change in your body. Now that could be attending a Zoom class 3 times a week or combining classes with my pre recorded YouTube workouts which are delivered in the same style and speed I teach regular classes. And of course if you’re free on Fridays you can join in my Live Broadcast at 10am with around 300 people across the world regularly taking part. Being healthy and happy is about feeling connected and to know you’re part of a worldwide Pilates community of 2 Million people who have now viewed the YouTube channel has got to make you smile. We’re all in this together and my, we’ve come a long way from our classes in Chiswick!

Looking forward to seeing you online soon x

Written material and photograph copyright of Rachel Lawrence.

All Rights reserved

If you’re yet to try a YouTube Live Broadcast click here to see what they’re all about: